1 min read

No Monday Open Thread today

But a bean-zine instead!
No Monday Open Thread today
From the Bean Zine, by the Underground Seed Co.

This is late, because I was out of town until this morning without good internets, but also I recently realized that I need to reserve the right not to intitiate a Monday Open Thread each week because if I did so I’d eventually run out of topics to suggest. So from now on I’ll probably do one every other week unless the spirit moves me.

And, in any case, last week’s discussion of our favorite local bakeries was such a great one that I think it deserves more time, so if you haven’t already, please do chime in, we’d love to know where you get bread when you don’t have time to bake your own.

Also, in the meanwhile, I encourage you to check out The Bean Zine, a very cool publication that I stumbled across this morning that is not directly bread and grain related, but definitely the sort of thing a grain-head would love.
