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Monday Open Thread 2/7/22

Favorite Bakeries?
Monday Open Thread 2/7/22

We are all bread bakers here, so we don’t spend a lot of time talking about bakeries. But I bet we all have our favorite local joints we hit up when we aren’t in the mood for baking, or when we want a fancy treat we don’t have the chops or the time to make at home. I thought it would be fun for everyone to share their favorite local bakeries with one another.

I’ll start. My faves here in Boston are those belonging to two friends: Bagelsaurus in Porter Square, Cambridge, owned by Mary Ting, and Breadboard Bakery, in Arlington, owned by Daisy Chow (both of whom, not coincidentally, started out as pop-ups at Cutty’s, the best little sandwich shop in the northeast).

What are your favorite local bread shops?
