Monday Open Thread 2/28/22
Bake sales for Ukraine: let's do this

Paola Velez, co-founder of Bakers Against Racism, has launched a new fundraising campaign, this time to help the people of Ukraine:
Hi Bakers,
I come to you all with a heavy heart. Like you, I have been watching the news with bated breath. Waiting to gather more information on what is happening in Ukraine and how best to help the families who are in turmoil.
I am utterly broken at the state of our world and my heart is longing for peace but that just isn’t our reality.
So I am coming to you all asking to join in on an emergency bake sale to fund-raise for those who are providing food, shelter, transportation and medical services.
Currently @chefjoseandres and @wckitchen have launched their efforts in Poland to provide immediate relief for the people of the Ukraine who are fleeing eminent danger in their homes.
Sunflower of Peace
The nonprofit organization is raising money to prepare first aid medical tactical backpacks for paramedics and doctors on the front lines.
(Cited from @npr - article will be linked in our stories.)
As this continues to unfold I will continue to update organizations that are providing relief in this time of crisis.
If you have additional resources that can be shared please DM or comment below to share with our baking community.
BAKERS AGAINST RACISM STANDS AGAINST HATE AND INJUSTICE OF ALL FORMS. We are appalled by the actions of Russia and denounce these acts of war.
To those affected by this inhumane situation, we are standing with you, wishing you and your family safety, and will be activating to fundraise in any way that we can.
In love,
Paola, @smallorchids
Update: when launching your sale please use #bakeforukraine and #bakersagainstracism so that we can re-share and amplify your bake sales.
I’ll be joining in myself, starting this coming weekend, and plan to bake something involving two of Ukraine’s most important food crops, wheat and sunflowers. If any of you are local to me in Cambridge/Boston, let me know if you want in on it, and keep an eye out on my Instagram feed, where I’ll be posting the details.
And let us know if you decide to do a bake sale of your own! (Check out @bakersagainstracism’s Instagram posts & stories for all the details.)
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