Monday Mix 7/24/23

Happy Mondays, everyone! Hope you all had a nice weekend. I spent it doing more testing for my Kneading Conference workshop (always doing things at the last minute around here!), and making some of my friend Camilla Wynne’s red currant syrup, which I plan to use in all the cocktails I’ll be drinking on my August break, which starts after this Wednesday’s posts.
Speaking of which, while it does not include her syrup recipe (which you can find in her book Preservation Society Home Preserves), Camilla recently shared a couple of (as-ever) excellent posts on preserving summer fruits over at Kitchen Projects:
and this one, from April:
See you all in a few days, when I’ll have an excerpt from Maurizio Leo’s book, The Perfect Loaf, all about maximizing (or minimizing) pucker in your sourdough breads.
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