Monday Mix 6/5/23

Happy Mondays, everyone. I hope you all had a nice weekend. I spent it seeing the absolutely unhinged Jamie Loftus debut her amazing new book on hot dogs, Raw Dog,which hope to feature here soon. I also made some oatmeal-maple sourdoughs, for the porridge chapter of my book. (For those of you in my testing group, stay tuned, I’m preparing a bunch of porridge bread recipes to try out soon.)
This week, I’ve finally got my interview with Homa Dashtaki, author of the recent book Yogurt & Whey, to share, along with some recipes from the book and of my own, inspired by it.

In the meantime, ICYMI, my recipe for South Shore bar pizza for King Arthur has finally dropped:

What was baking for everyone else this past weekend? Share pix and details below:
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