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Monday Mix 2/20/23

Monday Mix 2/20/23

Happy Mondays, everyone. Just a quickie this morning, as it’s technically a holiday today (yes, I am working today, but TBH there are few days lately I don’t do something related to one or another of my projects).

One: I had a great response to my call for Breaducation testers, which is amazing. We’ve got about 150 people on the list so far; if you want in on it, please let me know. There’s no cap to the numbers, anyone who wants to participate—as much or as little as possible—can, but you’ll need to request it from me directly by clicking this link and sending me an email:

Please be sure to use and/or specify the email address you already use for Substack newsletters, unless for some reason you want to use another one. I’ll be sending out an email explaining how it’s going to work later this week.

Pistachio-Matcha Nazook

Secondly, if you are in the Boston area (or want to visit in late March), I’m going to be teaching a demo/workshop on three Armenian yeasted breads & pastries (including those nazook) at Sofra Bakery on 3/23, at 6:30pm:

To say I’m excited to be teaching a class at Sofra would be an understatement; it’s  is one of my favorite bakeries anywhere, and it’s an unbelievable honor they’ll have me. I hope to see you there!

Have a nice week, see you on Wednesday.
