1 min read

Last chance to get involved in Breaducation

Closing soon
Last chance to get involved in Breaducation

A quick note to those who might be interested in getting involved in helping test recipes for Breaducation. I am in the home stretch now and am going to be sending out recipes over the next four months at a pretty heavy clip. I have ~1200 people on my list now, and am going to close sign-ups next week, so that everyone involved is more or less on the same page.

So: If you want to be involved, you need to do two things:

  1. Click here and sign up:

  2. Respond to this email with a brief note about you and your interest in doing so.

If you do not do both things, I won’t let you in! Asking for a quick email is meant both to avoid spammy sign-ups, and also a quick way to make sure people are paying attention to instructions, a prerequisite for being involved.

There’s lots of information already there on how the process works and how to be involved, so please read up as much as you can before beginning.

You do not need to be able to test every recipe, as I only need a small number of people to test each one (though the more the better). And you can even help out without testing, by scanning new recipes for errors or vague, unclear information. Each recipe will be in “active” testing mode for a week or two, so you should have ample time, even if you are a weekend baker.

Thanks to everyone who has been involved so far, it has been infinitely useful. I am excited to start working through the many remaining recipes this fall.
