Is There Anybody Out There?

Readers of Wordloaf will know that all of a sudden back in April I stopped sending out newsletters, without explanation. I want to apologize for that; neither the abrupt end to posts nor the radio silence was by choice. This remains the case, alas, so despite this momentary appearance, Wordloaf remains on extended hiatus for the time being. The recipe-related posts (which means pretty much all of them, alas) have been taken down (apologies for that, especially).
That said, it has always been my intention to reboot the newsletter in one form of another, and I am actively working toward that end right now. And I haven’t stopped working on new things, either. So if you were subscribing or are thinking of doing so now, please stay with me (and thank you!!)
EDIT: If you came here today via this article naming Wordloaf “one of the 80-best single operator newsletters” (really?!), please do sign up! I promise what I started back in the spring is going to be coming back better than ever soon. In the meantime, you can also keep up to date with my exploits over at my Instagram account.
Until someday,
Member discussion