Summer Lovin'

Thanks to Alicia Kennedy, who included Wordloaf on her recent list of 18 newsletters she always opens, writing:
Andrew Janjigian writes and teaches you about bread, and even though I haven’t successfully maintained a sourdough starter yet (blame the humidity and my already overflowing fridge), I love his measured and well-honed approach to tackling an intimidating topic.
…we have a flurry of new subscribers here, and just as I left for vacation for the entire month of August. Wordloaf remains on hiatus, but I did want to send out a quick note welcoming all of you new recruits—thank you!!—and just mention that we’ll be returning to our regularly-scheduled programming in early September, so stay tuned.
In the meantime, let me point you all to a handful of posts that might give some background information Wordloaf, the Newsletter, and how it came to be. For starters, I just updated the biographical post that I originally published about a month after it first launched, since much has changed around these parts since then:
And then there is this post, which describes the birth of the Quarantinystarter, the little sourdough starter that could (and without which we would likely not be here):
And of course there is this pinned post, which is an index to everything published thus far:
I hope that gives everyone something to chew on while we are away, and a better sense of what to expect once this thing boots up again.
See you all in September, and have a peaceful August.
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