2 min read

Summer Lovin'

A brief message to subscribers, new and old
Summer Lovin'

Thanks to Alicia Kennedy, who included Wordloaf on her recent list of 18 newsletters she always opens, writing:

Andrew Janjigian writes and teaches you about bread, and even though I haven’t successfully maintained a sourdough starter yet (blame the humidity and my already overflowing fridge), I love his measured and well-honed approach to tackling an intimidating topic.

…we have a flurry of new subscribers here, and just as I left for vacation for the entire month of August. Wordloaf remains on hiatus, but I did want to send out a quick note welcoming all of you new recruits—thank you!!—and just mention that we’ll be returning to our regularly-scheduled programming in early September, so stay tuned.

In the meantime, let me point you all to a handful of posts that might give some background information Wordloaf, the Newsletter, and how it came to be. For starters, I just updated the biographical post that I originally published about a month after it first launched, since much has changed around these parts since then:

The man behind the mask
I’m not really fond of talking about myself, but I thought it might be helpful to give you all a rundown of the parts of my biography that relate to what we are up to here. This is a slightly longer version of the story I tell when I teach classes and ask everyone to introduce themselves and say a little about their background in baking.

And then there is this post, which describes the birth of the Quarantinystarter, the little sourdough starter that could (and without which we would likely not be here):

St. Quarantiny Day
Though for many today is St. Patrick’s Day, here at Wordloaf we are marking a different holiday: St. Quarantiny Day. That’s because the Quarantinystarter, the tiny sourdough starter with big ambitions, was born exactly 1 year ago today. In the early days of this newsletter, it was safe to assume that all of my readers knew all about the Quarantinystarte…

And of course there is this pinned post, which is an index to everything published thus far:

Wordloaf Index
Important Posts Need a Sourdough Starter? (Start here!) Handy-Dandy Weight-to-Volume Conversion Chart Recipe: Care and Maintenance of a Sourdough Starter Recipe Template: The Loaf, 2.0 (No-knead pain au levain, 5% rye)🍞 Recipe: Loaf Classic™ (aka the four-fold pain au levain) 🍞

I hope that gives everyone something to chew on while we are away, and a better sense of what to expect once this thing boots up again.

See you all in September, and have a peaceful August.
