Some Upcoming Online Workshops to Consider

April at Milk Street Kitchen recently mentioned that there were a bunch of upcoming bready online workshops happening that Wordloaf readers might be interested in, and I agreed, especially since they are all taught by pals of mine.
First up is Tara Jensen, who is teaching her Trail Mix Bread this coming Saturday (6/15). Wordloaf readers can get a 20% discount on the class using the code BAKEWITHTARA.

And then there are a series of pizza workshops taught by Peter Reinhart (Deep Pan Pizzas, 6/20), J. Kenji López-Alt (Chicago Thin Crust, 7/17), and (Sicilian, 8/1), whose excellent new book Pizza Night I will be featuring here soon. You all can get 20% off any or all of these classes using the code THREEPIZZA.

I’m going to teach an in-person class for Milk Street here in Boston myself soon, but I think I’ll have to push it off until after the book is done. In the meantime, I’ve been feeling the itch to teach again and, though I really don’t have much time right now, I might try to slot a virtual class or two over the next few months.
I was thinking I might start with a “Sourdough Baking Office Hours” class, where I’d walk people through my current sourdough methods and a few formulas—which have evolved significantly since the last time I taught a basic sourdough class—and provide space and time for people to bring their concerns and questions, so we can collectively troubleshoot things. If you think you might be interested in a sourdough basics class like that, let me know in the comments below, so I can get a sense of potential numbers.
I might also teach a class on a book recipe or two, maybe even the new ultra high-hydration focaccia I’ve been making this week, which I’m rather into, for reasons:

More soon, including a regularly-scheduled post tomorrow all about sourdough discard.
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