2 min read

Some Upcoming Online Workshops to Consider

Taught by friends (and maybe even one or two by me!)
Some Upcoming Online Workshops to Consider

April at Milk Street Kitchen recently mentioned that there were a bunch of upcoming bready online workshops happening that Wordloaf readers might be interested in, and I agreed, especially since they are all taught by pals of mine.

First up is Tara Jensen, who is teaching her Trail Mix Bread this coming Saturday (6/15). Wordloaf readers can get a 20% discount on the class using the code BAKEWITHTARA.

And then there are a series of pizza workshops taught by Peter Reinhart (Deep Pan Pizzas, 6/20), J. Kenji López-Alt (Chicago Thin Crust, 7/17), and (Sicilian, 8/1), whose excellent new book Pizza Night I will be featuring here soon. You all can get 20% off any or all of these classes using the code THREEPIZZA.

I’m going to teach an in-person class for Milk Street here in Boston myself soon, but I think I’ll have to push it off until after the book is done. In the meantime, I’ve been feeling the itch to teach again and, though I really don’t have much time right now, I might try to slot a virtual class or two over the next few months.

I was thinking I might start with a “Sourdough Baking Office Hours” class,  where I’d walk people through my current sourdough methods and a few formulas—which have evolved significantly since the last time I taught a basic sourdough class—and provide space and time for people to bring their concerns and questions, so we can collectively troubleshoot things. If you think you might be interested in a sourdough basics class like that, let me know in the comments below, so I can get a sense of potential numbers.

I might also teach a class on a book recipe or two, maybe even the new ultra high-hydration focaccia I’ve been making this week, which I’m rather into, for reasons:

More soon, including a regularly-scheduled post tomorrow all about sourdough discard.
