Tool Time

As I mentioned on Monday, I have been working on an equipment, tools, supplies, and ingredients shopping guide for you all, and an initial version of it is now online. It’s far too long to send out as an email, and in any case it is a work-in-progress, so it’s best I share it with you as a link instead:
I hope you find it useful, and as always, let me know if you have questions or thoughts about what is missing. (You’ll note that several sections are incomplete or empty still.)
While that should give you plenty to chew on this week, I actually have another related item to share with you, one which I have been eagerly waiting to appear: the love letter to the Ankarsrum Assistent1 (sic) Mixer that I wrote for Epicurious:

I plan to write more about this strange and amazing machine here someday, but hopefully this gives you a good sense of why I love mine so much. Should you decide to purchase one, there’s a link to a good source in the appliance section of my equipment guide.
Assistent is Swedish for assistant ↩
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