Monday Mix 3/27/24

Happy Mondays, everyone! I hope you all had a peaceful weekend. I had a fun one myself, but it was anything but peaceful. On Saturday I made another batch of Lune croissants in anticipation of my walkthrough workshop, two giant challah pan loaves (more giant than I’d like), and a high-hydration sourdough, the last two as tests for book recipes.

Speaking of cookbook recipes: Just because I am now heavy into book development, you needn’t fear that you won’t be getting them from me here. I plan to share plenty of book preview recipes here as they get buttoned up, it just might be awhile since we are only getting started.
And speaking of that Lune workshop: I wanted to do another test before I scheduled it, and now that I feel like I have a good grasp on the process, it is on the books! It’ll happen on the weekend of 4/23, and the main class will take place on Sunday afternoon from 1 to 5(ish) PM EST. It’s a long process with many intermediate steps over several days, which makes teaching it somewhat complicated. I need to map it all out still, but the idea will be that people can tune into each stage live if they want, or get videos of each to watch on their own time. (I recommend watching the entire demo before attempting it yourself, especially if you are new to laminated doughs.)

The class will focus primarily on the creation of the dough itself (the hardest part) though I'll demonstrate shaping, proofing, and baking of a few basic products. Once you get the dough process down, you’ll be able to explore the various ways to use it that are the heart of book.
And to be clear: This class will not serve as a replacement for the cookbook. It is meant as a companion to it, so that you can achieve success more quickly with the recipes, and have someone to help troubleshoot it with you. I am working on wrangling a discount on the book for participants, so stay tuned for that possibility.
Click below for details, and if you are a Wordloaf supporter, don’t forget to use the 20% discount code you should see up above. (If you upgrade after I send this out and need one, email me and I’ll send it.)

Okay, that’s it for today, see you in a few days.
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