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Monday Open Thread 6/27/29

Summer bread travel edition
Monday Open Thread 6/27/29

I am knee-deep in deadlines right now, and it looks like that is going to last until the end of July. One recipe I am finishing up right now is matnakash, an Armenian ‘fingerprint’ flatbread, for King Arthur Baking (pictured above). I’m also teaching a virtual workshop for this recipe for the Kneading Conference on July 25th at 12pm, about which I’ll have more to say this Wednesday. (And I’ll be teaching another one for Milk Street Kitchen in September.)

I have a June subscriber recipe for you all, but it is running a little late, so stay tuned for that one in the next week or so. (It is pictured above, as tested by my pal Amanda.) It is a recipe I’ll be including in my September 24/25 King Arthur Baking Enriched Breads class, for which there is only one space left!

Are any of you planning to do any bread-related travel or in-person classes this summer?
