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Monday Open Thread 6/20/22

Summer solstice!
Monday Open Thread 6/20/22

Tomorrow is the summer solstice, aka the longest day of the year. Which means it is outdoor baking season again (leaving aside the fact that it has been unseasonably cold here in New England so far this year). Among other things, I am working on an Ooni-baked Armenian flatbread recipe that I’ll be teaching (remotely) at this year’s Kneading Conference (for which I will have another giveaway, stay tuned for details). And I am working up my recipes for the Sourdough & Pizza Retreat I am teaching with my pal Tara Jensen in July. Which means that I should also have some outdoor bread & flatbread recipes for you all soon.

What are everyone else’s summer/outdoor baking projects or plans? Any bread travel on tap? Share with us all below!


Also: I accidentally made the open thread about my bread b$%k project paid-subscriber-only, so some people couldn’t comment. If you had thoughts to share, I’ve now opened it up for everyone, so have at it!