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Monday Open Thread 5/16/22

Baker Crush Edition
Monday Open Thread 5/16/22

We got a flurry of new subscribers here over the last few days, thanks to my friend (and personal baker crush) Tara Jensen sharing a “20 Questions” interview she asked me to do on her newsletter, which you can read here if you are interested. Thanks to all who just joined up, so nice to have you here. Feel free to introduce yourselves to the 6800 or so others who make Wordloaf such a vibrant place for breadheads to hang out. Mondays are when we catch up with one another and share news of our bread baking triumphs and travails.

If you don’t know Tara (it seems impossible that anyone doesn’t know Tara at this point), you need to! She is a sourdough WIZARD who has taught countless people how to bake with natural ferments, starting with her 2018 book, A Baker's Year. Her next book, Flour Power, drops in August, and I can not wait for it. (I hope to share some excerpts and recipes when it does):
