2 min read

Monday Mix 7/10/23

New T-shirt time?
Monday Mix 7/10/23

Happy Mondays everyone, hope your weekend/vacation week was a good one. I spent Saturday teaching a bunch of folks to make pretzels, and it was fun, despite the tropical conditions in my kitchen. If you missed it and want to get in on the fun, the class remains available to purchase as a download here. The Bavarian version of the recipe will be up at Serious Eats eventually, and I’ll be sharing the ballpark one for subscribers here someday soon.

Later this week I’ll be sharing a post on the pros and cons of stiff vs. liquid levains in sourdough baking, something I wrote for my book recently.

In the meanwhile, with it being t-shirt season again here in the Northern Hemisphere, I’ve been thinking about finally making a new one using the image above, which comes from the 1744 book of nursery rhymes, Tommy Thumb's Pretty Song Book, the oldest known collection of nursery rhymes on paper. Let me know if you think you might want one, I plan to do a pre-order for them soon.

I’m also going to do a new run of my previous olde-tyme bread T-shirt, How Much Bread a Human if there is enough interest in it. (I’ll probably change up the colors this time around.) Express your interest (or lack thereof) in the comments below!

Finally, The British Library is hosting a conversation about sandwiches with Jonathan Nunn, Nigella Lawson, and Rebecca May Johnson later today (7pm BST, 2pm EST) that you might want to tune into with me:

See you all in a couple of days.
