Monday Mix 6/12/23

Happy Mondays, everybody! Hope you had a peaceful weekend. I spent part of mine messing around with some photographs for my book. My plan has been to document the loaves as I develop them so that I don’t have to do a massive photoshoot at the end of the process, but I need to work out a consistent aesthetic before I do so. I also have the (possibly deluded) plan to shoot many of the images on film. Before I was thrust into this full-time bread thing a few years ago, I had another equally passionate hobby in photography, but I have had almost no time to devote to it.

Back then my subject was mostly people, not food, but right now I have little time to make portraits, so instead using the book images as a place to make art. Yesterday I made some test images using my ride-or-die camera, a Mamiya RZ67, on color film and peel-apart instant film (as in the top image). The latter is one of my favorite media, one that hasn’t been made since 2018, meaning every shot I make is one closer to the last I will ever shoot. I have a stash of peel-apart in my fridge, but it won’t keep forever, so I’ve decided this book is as good a use for it as any other.

What did everyone else get up to this weekend?
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