1 min read

Monday Mix 5/15/23

Brioche breakdown
Monday Mix 5/15/23

Happy Mondays, everyone. I hope you all had a nice weekend.

I spent part of mine wrestling with this brioche formula for my cookbook. It is fair to say that I have been struggling to make the brioche of my dreams for years now, without consistent success. This one is very close, if only I could avoid that champagne-cork shape, the result of cave-in during cooling. The texture of the crumb is perfect: It is buttery and rich (while not being too rich) and as light and tender as clouds. Which is also the problem: All that lightness and richness means that it is also somewhat lacking structurally, which means it cannot quite support itself upon cooling (as a loaf of bread cools, the hot gases on the inside contract, and without enough structure, the sides will cave in like this). Despite the countless pounds of butter and eggs I’ve sacrificed to this quest, I remain resolute, and have yet another batch of dough underway this morning.

How was everyone else’s weekend? Feel free to share your bakes (or other pretty pictures) in this chat thread:
