Monday Mix 4/3/23

Happy Mondays, all. I am in the middle of what I am calling the “wilderness period” of my book development, the early stage where I have about 75 different projects and experiments underway but not much of anything completed, so it doesn’t feel like I am making much in the way of progress. I know (and keep telling myself) that things will feel different once I start completing many of these but right now it feels a little stressful.
I realize that I’ve been a little “lite” with subscriber-only content here lately, and that’s the main reason why. The good news, if you can stay patient, is that much of what’s going to end up in the book is going to appear here for subscribers, and I’m guessing that it is going to happen very quickly once I start ticking items off my to-do list.
That said, the above bread, a swirly version of a Parker House roll, is coming out on Wednesday, so stay tuned for that.
In other news, it is April, which at least this year is going to be breadcrumb month, something that will become clear once I start sharing things, including this month’s guest post, which will drop this Wednesday.
Finally, I wanted to mention something I recently realized about my favorite kitchen timer, the Polder 3-in-1:

One very nice thing about the Polder is that you can run the count-up timer at the same time as a count-down one, which is useful for tracking the total time at the same time you are counting down between stages. I’ve been finding this super useful for tracking how long doughs take to proof without having to add up the individual intervals between folds or whatever. (The trick is to remember to start the count up as soon as the fermentation begins, something I forget to do sometimes.)
More soon, see you Wednesday.
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