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Monday Mix 3/20/23

Hello new subscribers!
Monday Mix 3/20/23

Happy Mondays, everyone. And happy spring, here in the northern hemisphere, yay! On Wednesday, I’ll be sharing an interview with former Tartine head baker Jen Latham, of the excellent  , on her latest book, Baking Bread with Kids (along with an excerpt of said book).

In the meantime, behind the scenes I’m also working hard to get the first few testing recipes for my book out the door (I’m having some survey issues that are preventing me from hitting go on this), and am working on another batch of Lune croissant dough so that I can feel confident about scheduling the walk-thru workshop for next month (I think). And over the weekend I made that pane pugliese pictured above, which is a recipe I’ll be sharing here soon (It’s very good!). Don’t worry Dayna and anyone else who thinks they don’t like the taste or texture of bran, it’s entirely optional.

If you are recently new here, it’s probably because you signed up thanks to my friend Kenji López-Alt’s mention of Wordloaf in his recent NYT piece on Chicago tavern-style pizza. (Thanks also to my friend John Carruthers, whose excellent tavern-style recipe here was the occasion for the mention.)

Welcome all, very glad to have you. Just an FYI for newbies, Monday’s newsletter is a casual roundup of news & announcements and a preview of the Wednesday’s main-event post. (And Friday’s Bread Basket is a weekly curated collection of bready news from elsewhere.)
