Monday Mix 12/5/22

So—as I have hinted at here and there—I’ve spent the better part of the last six months working on a proposal for a book about bread baking. During that time, I’ve probably spent as much time ruminating on what to call that book as I did on the actual text of the proposal. The following is a partial list of rejected titles:
A Loaf Supreme
Better Off Bread
Bizarre Loaf Triangle
The Book of Loaf
Bread to Me
Broken Flours
Dawn of the Bread
Doughn't Worry Darling
Eat Pray Loaf
Endless Loaf
Flours for Algernon
Flours in the Attic
Geek Loaf
Higher Bread
In the Mood for Loaf
Loaf, Actually
Loaf Story
Loaf Unlimited
The Loaf Witch
Loafing Around
Loaves In The Time Of Cholera
Loaves Will Tear Us Apart
Sea of Loaf
Sentimental Breaducation
What’s Loaf Got to Do With It?
Whole Lotta Loaf
Speaking of which, this happened last week:

I will have lots more to say about this and what it means for this newsletter soon, but the bottom line is that it is all good. While I have a lot of work to do over the next 18 months (the manuscript is due in May 2024 for a Fall 2025 publication date), this will actually give me more time to focus on the newsletter than I have had over the last year or so, because I can cut way back on the freelance writing and recipe developing I’ve been doing to keep the lights on.
Thank you all for the support and encouragement you have given me here, I couldn’t have gotten to this point without it.
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