Monday Mix 11/28/22

Happy Mondays, everyone. I hope you all had a good weekend, long or otherwise, with much to be thankful for. I made those walnut pains au levain for T-day and realized something I had not when I first shared the recipe, which is that while the iron-tannin mixture turns purple in the presence of water, the reaction reverses when the water boils off, which is why the crust turns that gorgeous mahogany color on baking. I’ll have a slightly-updated version of this recipe to share soon.
I also spent the weekend shooting images for two upcoming Ooni recipes, for pita and lahmajun. (BTW, Ooni is having a 20% off sale on everything until tomorrow morning, in case you were in the market for an oven or some accessories. Here’s my affiliate link if you want to use it.)
Speaking of cyber Monday, I’m going to be updating my equipment guide later this week and sharing a list of books I think would make excellent gifts for the bakers in your life, so stay tuned for that.
See you Wednesday,
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