Monday Mix 11/21/22

Happy Mondays, everyone. Just a quickie this morning to say that I’ll be sharing an excerpt to from Darra Goldstein’s wonderful book on Russian food, The Kingdom of Rye, this Wednesday, and that I will be taking Friday off from the Bread Basket to recover from the day before’s expected overindulgence.
And also to say that I got to visit my friend Barak Olins at his amazing brand-new bakery in Portland, Maine yesterday and left it super inspired. Also a little envious—I rarely think I want to own a bakery of my own, but his tiny, all-in-one-room, just-down-the-street-from-home shop is exactly the sort of bread baking fiefdom I’d want if I did. The shop was closed at the time, so expect more photos and intel after I make a return visit during business hours.
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