Monday Mix 11/20/23

Happy Mondays, everyone. It’s 11/20/23, which means there is only about a month of posts left for the year. I’ve been going like mad since January, and reaaaallly need a break, but I also have a massive backlog of items to get out to you before the end of the years, and especially before the holidays, so that you have plenty of time to do your gift-giving shopping. I think I am going to do something of a lightning round over the next few weeks and push out as many posts as I can. So expect to see more frequent things in your inboxes between now and the middle of December, after which I am going to take a solid month off before returning to posting in January.
My manuscript is due 7/1/24, so the first half of next year is going to also be somewhat bonkers. I might have to dial back posting, especially the closer to the due date we get. The content will be much more book-adjacent, since that’s the sort of content I’ll be working on already. Even if I scale back, I’ll still be sending out lots of book recipe previews and outtakes to paid subscribers, so you needed fear you’ll be getting your money’s worth. I’ll say more about the new temporary schedule and format at the beginning of the year.
Speaking of which, pictured above is my current method for steaming mega loaves Dutch-oven style, with a large metal bowl inverted over a cookie sheet. (Note to self and others: Remove the bowl carefully, steam is HOT.) Hidden under there is a 1.5-kilo miche, one of the next recipes I’ll be sending out to the testing group, after I finish another round of tests this week.
What did everyone else get up to bread-wise this past weekend? And what’s everyone planning to bake for the Thanksgiving holiday?
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