2 min read

Monday Mix 10/3/22

Bean facts
Monday Mix 10/3/22

Happy Mondays, all. I love the response you all had to the pan size chart I posted last week. This is the sort of food- & cooking-related tool that I find most useful. The Pocket Reference that it comes from is filled with similar charts and tables, and I’ll be sharing more of them in the weeks leading up to the booklet’s “pub date” (ie, the day the box of printed booklets arrives on my doorstep). Should I ever have the opportunity to create a larger, more comprehensive book on bread and baking, it will be chock full of them too.

If you happened to have saved that chart, please note that—thanks to Simon, who alerted me to it here—I’ve corrected a minor error it contained, both here and in the actual printed booklet (just under the wire, apparently, since they are about to fire up the presses any day now).

I’m working on a new chickpea-based recipe right now, and it occasioned consulting one of my favorite food infographics, this one created by the great Rancho Gordo:

It took me awhile to track that image down, and it reminded me that the world needs a reference guide that contains all such reference information related to food an cooking. Maybe if I live long enough, I’ll create one myself.

Speaking of books, later this week I’m going to be sharing an excerpt (and two recipes) from Julia Skinner’s amazing, just-released book Our Fermented Lives, and I’ve got a copy to give away to one lucky Wordloaf subscriber. So stay tuned for all that on Wednesday.
