Friday Morning Pizza Box 11/5/21

Welcome to this week’s Wordloaf Friday Pizza Box, a weekly, November-only roundup of links and info related to pizza and related flatbreads.
I’m still working on setting up my account on Ribbon, the site where I’ll be migrating all my online workshops, so stay tuned for an announcement about the Friday Night Pizza party Slab Pizza class that will be happening on 11/26.
Apologies in Advance for This One

The one and only Dennis Lee, proprietor of the ever-disgusting newsletter Food is Stupid, did some Halloween pizza experimentation last week. He somehow talked the folks at Paulie Gee’s Logan Square into absolutely destroying some otherwise lovely New York-style pies by adding candy corn to them. Here’s how he set up this travesty:
…I said to myself, “Dannis Ree, as the greatest food writer and pizzamaker in all of history, you owe it to yourself and the fine, perpetually pizza-territorial city of New York, to ruin their pizza by putting loads of candy corn on it.”
The results are pretty much what you’d expect, but as always, following along with everything Dennis subjects himself and his friends to is fun from a distance.
A Good Pizza Tweet
Z&Z Manoushe Bakery
Manoushe, a za’atar topped flatbread from Lebanon is definitely not pizza, but it is a distant cousin, and it is just as satisfying. I loved this video about Danny and Johnny Dubbaneh’s Z&Z Manoushe Bakery, of Rockville, MD, which is located in the same space that their grandfather and uncle once had a fried chicken restaurant. And I can’t wait to get down there to try their breads myself.
A VERY Niche Pizza Tweet
That’s it for this week’s pizza box. I hope you all have a pizza-ful weekend. I’ll be putting the finishing touches on my copycat Slab pizza recipe later today, so I know mine will. See you all on Monday.
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