Friday Bread Basket 9/10/21

Welcome to this week’s Wordloaf Friday Bread Basket, a roundup of links and news relating to bread, grain, and baking.

At Sourced, a must-read newsletter about how to foster inclusive and sustainable culinary systems, the great Dan Lepard (one of my baking inspirations) wrote a pair of wonderful posts all about cinnamon. The first is a look at the history of cinnamon in Britain, a country that once controlled the cinnamon trade but is not known for its use of cinnamon in baking, through the lens of its cookbooks.

The second is a detailed practical guide to baking with cinnamon, and includes the important advice to increase the amount of yeast you use, to counteract cinnamon’s inhibitory effects upon fermentation.
A good tweet, presented without comment

Midwesterner, another must-read newsletter that covers food and more from the Heartland, has a post all about John Carruthers—who has made an appearance here once before—and his Chicago-area charity pizza pop-up Crust Fund Pizza. The post includes his recipe for tavern-style pies, something that we all need to try out soon.

New Orleans is one of my favorite cities I’ve never been to, and it is home to some wonderful bakers and bakeries—including Diego Perez’ Pan Fuerza and Graison Gill’s Bellgarde. It’s going to be a long time before NOLA and the Gulf Coast recovers from the devastation of Hurricane Ida. If you can and want to donate to the recovery, Eater has put together a roundup of links to organizations on the ground there.

Additionally, Diego suggests Another Gulf as an alternative place to send your Ida donations.
That’s it for this week’s Friday Bread Basket! I hope you all have a peaceful weekend. And remember, summer isn’t over until September 21, despite what you’ve otherwise been told.
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