Friday Bread Basket 5/20/22

Welcome to the Wordloaf Friday Bread Basket, a weekly roundup of links and items relating to bread, baking, and grain. When I first began doing the Friday Bread Basket, I worried that there would be weeks for which I wouldn’t have enough items to share. As it turns out, the opposite is true—I regularly have way more items than I can get to, especially when I want to give each of them proper context. So I usually just pick the top two or three items I want you to see, even if other ones are interesting too.
This week, in order to catch up with the backlog a bit, I’m going to do a ‘lightning round’, where I share more things, but with zero context other than a headline.
Gwendolyn Brooks on ‘the breadier love’
Roxane Gay visits Poilâne Bakery
Nigella Lawson (👋) and others on the crisp (potato chip) sandwich

(Extra context: I’ve been eating potato chip and mustard sandwiches since childhood.)
John Carruthers on homemade pizza

Chaat in the Bay Area (& eye candy for everyone)

That’s it for this week’s bread basket. I’ll see you all next week, have a peaceful weekend.
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