2 min read

Friday Bread Basket 4/30/21

Friday Bread Basket 4/30/21

Before I dive into this week’s Bread Basket, a brief announcement:

Because of a personal conflict, I had to move the date of my upcoming Sourdough Lifestyle class from Saturday 5/15 to the following day, 5/16. For those who already signed up, I hope that you can still make the new date, and I’m sorry if that doesn’t work for you. For others who couldn’t make that date, perhaps moving it to Sunday makes it doable.

I’m planning to add a more basic Sourdough for Absolute Beginners class soon, as well as a new class called Thin-Crust or Bust, which will be a deep dive into all things thin-crust pizza, which will debut in June. I’ll send out an announcement about both as soon as they are live.

-> Zoom Workshop: The Sourdough Lifestyle, Sunday, May 16

Steel MAGAnolias

Seeing as the owner of my previously-recommended baking steel company has revealed himself to be an anti-masker, I will no longer be recommending that brand. Fortunately, there is nothing special about slabs of steel, and there are loads of other options out there, many of which are also far more reasonably priced. A Twitter friend spoke highly about this particular Etsy shop, and I can’t see any reason why their products wouldn’t be great. They sell them in a wide variety of sizes, so my recommendation is to get one that is at least 13 by 13 inches, and at least a few inches narrower than your oven rack, to promote good heat circulation.

-> 222 Steel baking steels

Carolina on my Mind

This week saw the release of Southern Ground, the new book of recipes by Jen Lapidus, the wonder behind North Carolina miller Carolina Ground flours. I got an advance copy, and I cannot recommend it more highly, especially if you are interested in learning how to incorporate more whole grain flours into your repertoire.

My friend and everyone’s Flour Ambassador, Amy Halloran, has got a total of six copies of Southern Ground to giveaway. To get in on the chance to win one, check out these three Instagram posts (each one has slightly different requirements):

And to hear more about Jen, Carolina Ground, and the new book, check out the interview that Amy did with her yesterday:

Shiva Baby

Finally, there’s this, which I present without comment:

That’s it for this week’s Bread Basket. See you all next week, have a peaceful weekend.
