The fundamentalist Christian lady appropriating challah to “honor Shabbat” has me feeling some very unkind feelings.

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You forgot the quotes around "challah", since that pictures obviously references it in name only.

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Thank you so much for letting me enjoy all this ridiculousness without it messing up my IG feed!

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Just a note that Nara Smith isn’t Mormon—she’s consistently characterized as such because her husband is, but she’s posted to clarify that she’s not.

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(Citation lol I’m a fan! https://www.tiktok.com/t/ZPRKATJBX/)

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I DO use einkorn flour in my homemade breads but certainly don’t grind my own. I made my own butter during the pandemic but I live in the city so I can’t have a cow in my backyard. No tradwife here but I do make my own bread.

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None of these are showing up on my instagram, thankfully, I mean, Oy! What a world we have become!?!

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Thank you for this delightful and slightly disturbing read!

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I guess I never thought of making food at home as a performance, and honestly thought these were all parody accounts🤷‍♀️

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The comment thread on the einkorn TikTok is comedy gold, particularly this exchange:

"What are your thoughts on kamut?"

"It's an ancient grain, but einkorn is most primitive, so I stick to einkorn."

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Nightmare material. Somehow I went from tech manager to cheesemaker to amateur panettone baker, so maybe I'm safe from being lumped into this category. And, nobody particularly wants to see me in an apron. If, back in the mid-90s, we programmers had understood what would be done with the web, we would have stopped right there.

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Social media has its' limitations in what is credible information. Exploitation of everyday skills is common with cooking and baking. We have entered a generation that wants to do very little for maximum attention, sometimes even in the workplace. They want more than fifteen minutes of fame and pollute the internet with garbage. There is no substitute for well researched and purposeful information presented by those who are skilled and experienced. I'll take a well written book anytime over the nonsense that the internet provides in a doom scrolling session. We have always had substandard TV shows, magazines, etc. Too much admiration for bad influencers is propagating this industry of misinformation.

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😂 yes! And I especially like your last sentence, but I would finish it with this : "too much admiration for bad influencers" led us to the Trumpian presidency". Reality Shows in my opinion are pure garbage entertainment. 🤷🏼

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Well, I do own a Mockmill and mill my own flour, but it's more an obsession of mine to learn something new. It's really hard to make a good looking 100% freshly milled wholegrain sourdough bread! Using only bread flour is a lot easier. I also make Sauerkraut, Kefir, Kombucha, tofu & tempeh--but again-- these are activities I enjoy, because I'm learning something new. I like cooking & eating healthy and abhor processed food. But I do all that because 1. I'm having fun & 2. I want to live healthy in my old age without heartburn or diabetes. I hope that doesn't make me a "Tradwife". I had never heard this term before. Oh, and I'm an agnostic 😁 so maybe I don't qualify anyway. My husband gets to enjoy my beer-infused breads😉, but I'm not making them to please him...or anybody else. Just me. I do glass fusing too and gardening. I hate sitting around watching TV. ADHD is a bitch, and she gets worse in advanced age. So I bake and Sir Bobby Farts-Alot loves my freshly milled flour and rises to the occasion. 😂

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What baffles me is that not one of these influencers can bake the bread at temp or time for a standard crust color. It’s always that strange pale void glob that’s neither dough or bread. Of all the bread steps, should this be the easiest? Notice too that the crust is never burnt. I don’t understand!

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I just feel sorry for the kids that have to eat brick loaves. I have had failures, in my sourdough adventure. I put them in soup and have made great miso with a couple of them.

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These ladies know what they are doing.

Taking this a bit further than just baking bad bread, they are using what I would say is the recent very strong conservative movement to put women back in the kitchen. Take care of the family and the husband. Making that once again the primary task.

While saying demand to be the breadwinner of the family some are making big money on their own by doing this, supplementing their husband's income greatly. That is a direct contradiction to what they say they stand for in their videos.

If they truly felt deep down in their core what they are spewing in these videos then they would do these without profit and without any money making. They would not have affiliate links and ads playing on their videos.

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You never cease to amaze me.

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