What timing -- I have the barest of followings, and certainly not for food, but someone asked for the recipe for something I had posted to IG the other day. Can't imagine what it's like for people who are actually known for food.

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Thanks so much for the rough puff shout-out! Will look forward to a yeasted version.

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I get “RECIPE!!!?” demands quite often as well. <<sigh>>

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I developed a modified process for blitz puff pastry that I think produces better layer definition at a cost of only a few more minutes of work. It borrows some of my preferred techniques from traditional laminated doughs.

1. Avoid mixing the butter into the dough.

2. Keep the butter very cold to further minimize absorption into the dough.

3. Plasticize the butter to make the first roll out easier.

If you want my write-up, I'm happy to forward.

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