There is too much to love here, but I eagerly await a shot of the shroomified flatbreads that sound incredible.

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"shroomified flatbread" haha! That's what I like! I started with "blenditarian meatpockets", or handpies (https://www.mushroomcouncil.com/the-blend/) now they're really more shroomified tempeh pockets made with sourdough crust. Definitely getting away from the meat -- but keep filling my pockets with other "stuff" ;)

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Thanks for sharing the lame testing article. I bought a little homemade one at the bread supply store in East Cambridge you recommended to me when I first joined, and haven't been thrilled with it (not blaming you!) It was a little wooden holder where the blade had to be rotated out each time. Just a little of the blade was exposed during scoring, and the rotating in and out felt kind of dicey. Since I also pay attention to Breadtopia, I'll be happy to buy the inexpensive winner from them.

I got excited last week when I saw in Cooks Illustrated's tips page a suggestion to use a discarded aluminum can lid wrapped in duct tape (for safety) as a lame. Bad idea. A jagged mess. That went in the recycle bin.

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Nigella! How did that happen?! We need to know more!

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Nov 11, 2022·edited Nov 11, 2022Author

Brady - She is a subscriber of this newsletter and we are Twitter friends. When she mentioned that she'd be coming to Boston to do a book event for Cook, Eat, Repeat, and I jokingly said we should do a bakery crawl when she was in town. I assumed she'd ignore the invite, but she actually said she'd love to, if she had the time.

In the end, she didn't actually have the time, but she said instead I should come backstage before the event. So I brought the bakery to her. ;)

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Happy birthday, mom of the newsletter JoAnn!

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